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System Maintenance Message! Preliminary data for 2023 is available. 2023 data is approximately 90% complete, and has not undergone QA/QC processes. Figures will change almost daily as crashes are entered. Final data is scheduled for release mid-Spring 2025.    Dismiss

TDS - Crash Reports

(Opens a PDF)
WARNING: Large reports may take an extended amount of time to run without visual indication.
Highways Local Roads All Jurisdictions

State Highway Crash Reports

Reports will display crash data on the selected highway segment only. Resulting output excludes side streets, city streets and county roads.

 Select a Highway Segment
Highway Name: 
Beginning Mile Point:     Ending Mile Point:   
Cross-Reference of Route Numbers to State Highways
Select Roadway Type Select Mileage

Only one Roadway Type may be selected
for Highway 001: PACIFIC

For All, Mainline or Spur:

Select Crash Severity Select Crash Circumstance

Click the query name to to see more information

Select a Date Range

Enter a date range by using the calendar icons, or by typing the desired "start" and "end" date in mm/dd/yyyy format.

Start Date:   End Date:  

Data is available from 01/01/1985 to 12/31/2023 .
  Current year data is preliminary and subject to change.

Select a Report Format

Print Format will open the report in a preview mode. Results can be exported to PDF or Excel. Large file size will take more time to download.
Report format selection does not apply to Data Extracts.
Select a Report
Select a Data Extract
 Results are limited to 5 years of data.
Download Support Files for Data Extracts
Decode XML CDS510 Import Steps
Data Fields & Formats
Default Coordinates for Unlocatable Crashes
CDS501 Data Extract Column Headers
CDS501 Data Extract Layout
Crash Data Disclaimers

Administrative Services  for changing date range or setting application unavailable page.

Disclaimer: The information contained in these reports is compiled from individual driver and police crash reports submitted to the Oregon Department of Transportation as required in ORS 811.720. The Crash Analysis and Reporting Unit is committed to providing the highest quality crash data to customers. However, because submittal of crash report forms is the responsibility of the individual driver, the Crash Analysis and Reporting Unit can not guarantee that all qualifying crashes are represented nor can assurances be made that all details pertaining to a single crash are accurate.

This section is maintained by TDS. For change requests, questions or to
report problems with an application or web site, contact TDS Crash Reporting - Support

Version Number:, Version Release Date: 11-23-2024 03:09

Select the highway and segment you would like to see in your report. For a list of highway numbers cross-referenced by highway name, please see the Crash Data System Code Manual

Report will include all crashes that occurred on the selected Street. Intersectional crashes that occurred on a cross-street outside the center of the intersection are excluded.

Street Segment

Report will include all crashes that occurred on the selected Street, including ALL intersectional crashes, even crashes that were attributed to a cross-street.

Street Segment Intersectional

Report will include all crashes that occurred on the selected Street or Cross-Street, referenced to each other, without regard to distance from the intersection or whether the crash was intersectional.

Report will include all crashes that occurred at the intersection of the selected Street and Cross Street.


County selection can not be Deschutes, Multnomah or Washington County. Report will include all crashes that occurred on the selected Street. Crashes that occurred in the center of an intersection with a highway or lower-numbered county road are excluded.

This query will bring in all crashes that occurred on county roads, outside city limits, within the selected County. Crashes on state highways and city streets are excluded.

This query will bring in all crashes that occurred on city streets within the selected City or County. Crashes on state highways and county roads are excluded.

This query will bring in all crashes that occurred on state highways, for the city or county jurisdiction selected. Crashes on county roads and city streets are excluded.

This query will bring in all crashes that occurred within the selected City or County, without regard to jurisdiction.

Note to users: The query results will be downloaded 5,000 records at a time. To view the results, enter a number in the "Start Report at Record Number" text box. Enter the first number in the range of records you wish to see.

For example, entering the number '1' in the text box will cause the first 5000 data records to be displayed. Entering the number '63' will cause record numbers 63 through 5562 to be displayed.

View additional records by returning to this screen and entering a different start number. You may enter any number, as long as it falls within the total number of records in your query.

Explanation: Queries generated in the MS Excel format can only be downloaded 5000 records at at time. This limitation is necessary because large volumes of data can result in "time out" or "network busy" errors.

Click the "X" at the top right corner of this dialog box to continue running the report.